Working with Mohsenin is not difficult, removing deprivation and empowering the covered community


History of establishment


قال الامام الرضا علیه السلام:
 إِنَّ لِلَّهِ عِبَاداً فِي اَلْأَرْضِ يَسْعَوْنَ فِي حَوَائِجِ اَلنَّاسِ هُمُ اَلْآمِنُونَ  وَ مَنْ أَدْخَلَ عَلَى مُؤْمِنٍ سُرُوراً فَرَّحَ اَللَّهُ قَلْبَهُ  همانا از براى خدا در زمين بندگانى است كه براى حوائج مردم كوشش ميكنند، اينها روز قيامت در امانند، و هر كه بمؤمنى شادى رساند، خدا روز قيامت دلش را شاد سازد. (اصول کافی ج ۳ )

Andisheh Yaran Mohsenin Charitable Foundation is a non-commercial organization that was registered by a number of benefactors and veterans with experience in different managements of the country in 1393 in the Registration Department of Non-Commercial Companies and Institutions under number 33717. It started in the deprived areas of the country, especially in the cities and villages of Sistan and Baluchistan provinces, and so far it has been the source of many valuable services to the target community and under its coverage. Is.